PCB Assembly Services in India

Automated Printed Circuit Boards (PCB) Assembly Services

Printed circuit boards are assembled into various electromechanical or electrical devices that allow the product to operate automatically. Printed circuit boards automate and partially or fully digitize product operations. But how are these printed circuit boards manufactured? Are PCB manufacturing and assembly processes automated? While printed circuit boards were originally manufactured using mechanical machines and…

PCB Assembly for led light


By now, we’re all familiar with light-emitting diode (LED) lights. From bright, efficient bulbs thatreplace old incandescent to gorgeous, colorful light strips that fit behind TVs and monitors. But when it comes to industrial and automotive lighting, special attention should be paid to LEDPCBs for fire safety. LEDs generate a lot of heat, and removing…

9 Signs You Need Help With SMT PCB Assembly

9 Signs You Need Help With SMT PCB Assembly. When countless PCBs have to be made, chances are that segments won’t be manually soldered by hand. This is where professional assembly houses like EITPL will step in, to help assemble all the parts onto the Printed Circuit Boards. However, have you ever thought about how…

Process of Printed Circuit Board Assembly

Printed circuit board assembly, otherwise called PCBA, is the way toward patching or assembly of electronic segments to a PCB or printed circuit board. A circuit board preceding assembly of electronic segments is known as PCB. When electronic segments are bound, the board is called Printed Circuit Assembly (PCA) or Printed Circuit Board Assembly (PCBA).…

Characterizing Printed Circuit Board Assembly and Ways to Do it

In least difficult terms, Printed Circuit Board Assembly can be characterized as complicatedly structured pathways made by metallic inclusions for power to exchange easily, so as to achieve the segments of the electronic gadgets. This simple development of electric power encourages electronic gadgets to work easily without intrusion. Subsequent to making the printed circuit boards,…